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A sign reads “Maricopa Community Colleges” in front of an administrative building.

A Contentious Pay Cut at Maricopa Community Colleges

Some of the college district’s adjunct librarians and counselors have been fighting a pay cut intended to bring their wages closer to that of other adjunct faculty.

Different Hearing Format for Yale, Michigan Presidents on Campus Antisemitism

The presidents of Yale University and the University of Michigan will not appear before a full congressional committee as previously...

Student Protests Help Bring ‘Justice’ for Gaza, Says Palestinian Authority Minister of Education

University leader turned education minister pledges to rebuild destroyed campuses.

San José State Suspends SJP Faculty Adviser

San José State University has suspended a Justice Studies professor who’s also faculty adviser for the campus chapter of Students...
A photo illustration containing some recommendations from a draft report by a North Dakota State Board of Higher Education committee.

Tenure Under Fire—Again—in North Dakota

Republican lawmakers and a university president pushed a bill last year that would diminish faculty job protections at two institutions. It failed by a hair, but the State Board of Higher Education has taken up the mantle.

UCLA, Davis Join Strike Supporting Pro-Palestinian Protesters

Academic employees at two more University of California campuses have joined the University of California, Santa Cruz in the strike...
Three Black students sit on a lawn smiling. Two high five each other.

California Bill Would Create ‘Black-Serving Institution’ Designation

Some lawmakers and higher ed leaders in California want a state-level designation highlighting colleges and universities serving Black students well.

A photo illustration comparing North Carolina’s proposed REACH Act with the University of North Carolina System’s new policy.

Lawmakers Sought to Mandate Class on Founding Documents. What Were Professors to Do?

Conservative groups are pushing civics requirements in higher education, not just K-12. In North Carolina, undergraduates now must study the founding documents. Will other states follow?