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The View From Arizona

Rufus Glasper is retiring after 30 years as an administrator at Arizona's Maricopa Community College. He spoke about the evolution of two-year colleges, challenges in Arizona and Maricopa's future.

Distribution Plus

The much-maligned general education model remains alive and well, but with new features, survey finds.

Has Obama Let Down Historically Black Colleges?

President’s answer to a question from a Southern University student frustrates some HBCU advocates and sets off debate on the administration's priorities.

One Problem Leads to Another?

City College of San Francisco for years has been facing an accreditation crisis linked to its finances, and the accreditation woes may have contributed to a new fiscal management problem.

Putting Foreign Students First?

Community college in Washington State increasingly relies on international student revenue, but some faculty worry it is moving away from its mission of serving local residents.

Poverty and Merit

The most selective colleges are failing to enroll more low-income students, so the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is calling for a "poverty preference" in college admissions.

Community College Classrooms as 'Democratic Vistas'

At MLA meeting, instructors share philosophy behind their work -- and the practical challenges for new Ph.D.s who might not have a clue about teaching at an open admissions institution.

Mergers Without Rancor?

Alabama plans to consolidate seven community colleges into two -- the kind of move that in other states would have seen much protest. But these changes went through without much public opposition. That doesn't mean there isn't any opposition.