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More Drama for Ashford

Ashford University cries foul on veterans' agency and California for meddling in Iowa's decision to yank the for-profit's GI Bill eligibility, and newly released emails show an Iowa official shared that view.

The Case for Religious Studies

In today's environment, an understanding of the different religions of the world is not a luxury but a necessity, writes William "Chip" Gruen.

Different Funding Systems, Same Underlying Problems

New report notes wide variation in the way states support community colleges, even if none of them are providing enough money.

Unhealthy Competition

U.K. report on for-profit colleges in six countries finds few benefits of sector and calls for tighter regulation, while acknowledging lack of data makes it hard to set rules.

No Dice for Nonprofit Conversion

U.S. Education Department denies a Utah-based for-profit college's application to change its tax status.

College Drops Black-Only Course Sections

Moraine Valley Community College will stop offering sections of orientation course restricted to specific racial groups.

Course Sections for Black Students Only

Moraine Valley Community College limits enrollment in some sections of college success course to African-American students -- and raises eyebrows.

Bringing Adjuncts to the Table

Six colleges will pilot an initiative to increase adjunct faculty engagement in their campuses’ completion agendas.