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Avoiding Awareness Gaps With Promise Programs

Surveys find that language and distance, particularly for small groups of nationalities, can be barriers to raising awareness about Long Beach's popular college promise program.

Critics Dismissed at Sierra Nevada

Six full-time professors -- including leaders of efforts to question administration -- lose jobs.

Debating the Value of Full-Time Professors

The ABA wants to end a rule that assures law schools have the majority of courses taught by full-timers. While some say this would minimize costs, others see an erosion of quality.

Kaplan-Owned Coding Boot Camp Will Close

Dev Bootcamp, an early skills-training provider for software developers, struggled to find a viable business model. Experts predict other boot-camp closures or consolidations.

Texas Requires Credit-Bearing Remediation

State requires a change to remedial education that’s based on an increasingly popular reform concept.

Support Grows for Major Shift in Pell

Bipartisan support builds for expanding Pell Grant eligibility to short-term certificates, although some experts worry about quality control and funding.

Samford Refuses Baptist Funding

Avoiding rebuke of conservative donors, Samford declines to give LGBTQ-oriented group recognition, but gives up funding from Alabama Baptist State Convention.

How Higher Ed Would Feel Medicaid Cuts

Medicaid cuts in proposed Senate GOP health-care legislation would mean bigger tabs for teaching hospitals and less state support for public universities.