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CDC to Colleges: 'Consider' Canceling Exchange Programs

Citing dynamic nature of coronavirus spread, new guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells colleges to "consider" canceling foreign exchange programs and asking current participants to return to their home countries.

It’s Time to Get Serious About Teaching Critical Thinking

We in academe must do more to ensure today’s students become tomorrow’s skilled thinkers. Fortunately, we are in a position to do so without having to overturn the current higher education system or break the bank, writes Jonathan Haber.

Complaints Falling on Deaf Ears?

Concordia College students are still angry about a white professor's use of a racial slur in a class several months ago. College administrators' seeming lack of response to the incident has not helped quell the outrage.

White House to Promote Alternatives to the Degree

New Ad Council campaign will tout alternatives to the four-year degree. Led by CEOs of Apple and IBM, the project comes from a White House-convened task force on workforce policy.

Cheers and Fears

LGBTQ students at Brigham Young University are cautiously optimistic about a change in policy on displaying their sexual orientation.

A Shared Responsibility

Colleges and students are trying to find a middle ground between the increasing demands for mental health services and the rising costs of providing it.

What Took the Place of Western Civ?

What appeared during the 1980s to be an invigorating and just revision of a narrow curriculum has turned out to be no curriculum at all, writes Mark Bauerlein.

Public Partners With For-Profit

Arkansas State University is mulling over partnering with a for-profit company to start the state's first vet school. Is this what the state, and its students, need?