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A ‘Fauci Effect’?

Students are showing more interest in health-related education. Experts say it's not just about Anthony Fauci.

Greater Need for Food at Community Colleges

Many advocates argue that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit community colleges, and their students, the hardest. Colleges are struggling to meet greater demands for basic needs.

B.A. Program for Students, Incarcerated and Not

Pitzer College students and incarcerated men at the California Rehabilitation Center will now earn bachelor's degrees side by side.

A Fairy Godmother for Once-Overlooked Colleges

With donations ranging from $20 million to $50 million to colleges routinely overlooked by major philanthropists, MacKenzie Scott has set herself apart by focusing on institutions that serve students of color and those from low-income backgrounds.

Few Positives in Final Fall Enrollment Numbers

Community colleges saw the largest enrollment declines this fall. Matriculation by first-time freshmen also fell sharply.

Career Exploration in College

Essays on how colleges can do more to help undergraduates explore careers while ensuring that their educations are relevant to the job market.

Low-Income Community College Students Most Likely to Cancel Plans

The pandemic is widening equity gaps as more low-income students and students of color leave higher ed.

For-Profit Chain's Bankruptcy Grinds to an End

The bankruptcy case began in 2014 after Anthem parent FCC Holdings Inc. was accused of predrawing federal financial aid dollars based on unsubstantiated enrollment projections.