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Health-Care Students on the Front Lines

Nursing programs emphasize infection-control strategies and adherence to protocols as new coronavirus spreads.

CDC to Colleges: 'Consider' Canceling Exchange Programs

Citing dynamic nature of coronavirus spread, new guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells colleges to "consider" canceling foreign exchange programs and asking current participants to return to their home countries.

A Shared Responsibility

Colleges and students are trying to find a middle ground between the increasing demands for mental health services and the rising costs of providing it.

When a 'Threat' Derails a Career

La Verne seeks to terminate a gadfly professor for allegedly threatening to "assassinate" a colleague. Is it going too far?

Upskilling Health-Care Workers

Certified nursing assistants are necessary as the population ages, but the work isn't high paying. How do health-care programs create faster pathways toward good jobs?

What Happens After the M.B.A. Bubble Bursts?

Those of us who educate business students should reconsider what the future workforce really needs and the best ways in which we can provide it, argues Marc Rubin.

'The Dersh' Stands Alone

Alan Dershowitz's legal arguments against impeaching President Trump have thrust him even farther into academe's margins.

Growing Student Debt Burden for Parents

With federal Parent PLUS loans now accounting for a quarter of borrowing for undergraduates, new data reinforce concern about parents' ability to repay the loans.