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After Obergefell

Julia K. Stronks doesn't think the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage will create legal threats for Christian colleges. But she thinks it's time for many Christian colleges to change anyway.

Still Out of a Job

Northwest Nazarene stands behind elimination of job of tenured theologian, but will let him teach part-time for a few years. His supporters believe he is being punished for views on evolution and other issues.

The Supreme Court Ruling and Christian Colleges

Some experts see threat to tax-exempt status of institutions if they continue to bar same-sex relationships.

Monks Seek Shared Governance

Trustees at Benedictine University refused to let the monks who founded the university participate in a recent presidential search. Monks are suing, saying they're being improperly shut out of university affairs.

Public Colleges' Revenue Shift

After the recession, tuition dollars make up a greater share of public higher education revenues than ever before, and make up a majority in half the states.

Evolved Out of a Job?

Theologian who wrote of ability of Christians to embrace evolution loses his tenured position at Northwest Nazarene U. -- and his supporters aren't accepting the university's explanations.

Keeping a Ban, Offering Support

Gordon College announces a new emphasis on helping LGBT students feel welcome, but doesn't budge on policy barring "homosexual practice."

The Digital Skills Divide

More digital skills courses would help community colleges fill the middle-skill career gap, a report asserts.