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Samford Refuses Baptist Funding

Avoiding rebuke of conservative donors, Samford declines to give LGBTQ-oriented group recognition, but gives up funding from Alabama Baptist State Convention.

Divinity, Diversity and Division

Professor calls diversity training workshop to which colleagues were invited a “waste,” setting off debate about inclusiveness and civility.

Standing With the Vulnerable

Liberal campus criticisms of the Trump administration and broader political environment are a dime a dozen. So a new denunciation of promised deportations and other rhetoric from faculty members at Christian and Catholic colleges stands out.

'Restoring the Soul of the University'

Authors discuss new book on role and purpose of Christian higher education.

Pregnant, Single, Fired

Federal court finds Christian college lacked the right to tell pregnant instructor to either marry the father of child she was carrying, stop living with him or lose her job.

Hungry and Unable to Complete

A new study points to food and housing issues that prevent many community college students from progressing.

Title IX Enforcement and LGBT Students

Obama administration guidelines for LGBT student protections under Title IX remain in place, and the student codes at Liberty and Bob Jones Universities appear to violate them.

Christian Colleges in the Age of Trump

Christian colleges can provide a bridge between elite opinion and “red-state” America, writes Thomas Albert Howard. How might they rise to the occasion?