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Innovation in Higher Ed

" Innovation in Higher Ed" is Inside Higher Ed's new on-demand compilation of articles. You may download a copy free...

Holy Cross Defends Professor Attacked as Blasphemous

Scholar's suggestion that Jesus be read as a "drag king" leads to calls for his resignation and to local bishop criticizing response of college, which cited academic freedom.

Sin and Charlie Rose, Redux

Sewanee, which at first stood by an honorary degree for the disgraced journalist, revokes it after much discussion of the theology of forgiveness and the movement against sexual harassment.

Seminary in Turmoil

United Lutheran board chair quits amid anger over appointment of president who led group that encouraged gay Christians to stop being gay.

‘Fundamentalist U’

Author discusses his new book on evangelical higher education.

A Conservative Underground Surfaces at a Christian University

An anonymous newsletter, spread all over campus, accuses Taylor University of being "permissive" on sexuality and insufficiently supportive of creationism.

Religious University and 2-Year College

A handful of religious universities are now offering two-year degrees, with a goal of work-force development and serving more low-income students.

A Firing and a Petition at Bryan

College that has been in turmoil since 2014 requirement that everyone recognize Adam and Eve as historical figures faces new unrest with dismissal of tenured veteran professor.