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A headshot Janay Garrick

Sex Discrimination or Doctrinal Differences?

A former professor’s sex discrimination lawsuit against Moody Bible Institute was recently allowed to proceed by a federal appeals court. The case could have bigger implications for religious colleges.

A scenic shot of the Liberty University campus.

Liberty University Fined $14 Million for Clery Violations

The historic fine was part of a settlement agreement with the Department of Education for numerous violations of campus crime-reporting requirements.

A close-up of the facade of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Whom Would Jesus Cancel?

Alex Small offers a Catholic defense of academic freedom in the wake of a Catholic University of America lecturer’s firing.

PEN America Calls on Catholic U to Reverse Firing of Lecturer

PEN America, a free speech advocacy organization, is calling on Catholic University of America to reverse its decision to fire...
Two clergymen walk in front of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and the Catholic University of America campus.

Catholic University Fires Instructor Over ‘Abortion Doula’ Speaker’s Comments

The instructor was fired after a doula spoke in her class about clients having abortions. Antiabortion activists celebrated, while academic freedom advocates were horrified.

A headshot of Rabbi Mark Schiftan next to an image of Belmont University's campus.

A Rabbi Walks Into a Christian University

Belmont University’s new hire signals ramped-up support for Jewish students. Other Christian universities are also increasingly embracing students of other faiths.

A man practices carpentry with the word "WORKSHOP" emblazoned on the wall behind him.

A Rise in Hyperspecialized Catholic Colleges and Trade Schools

A handful of new Catholic institutions and trade schools are emerging and experimenting with new models as many of their established peers suffer enrollment woes.

Posters that read "my body, my choice" cover a display of small black crosses on the Freedom Wall at Pepperdine University.

Christian Colleges Navigate Abortion Debates in a Post-Roe World

Some scholars say discussions of the topic are now more nuanced and complex. Antiabortion activists believe the discourse has become too permissive.