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Questions of Quality

New research attempts to better compare the performance of for-profit colleges with nonprofits by controlling for differences in student populations, with largely negative results for the industry.

Adjunct Promotion at a For-Profit

Grand Canyon University hires 98 adjuncts as full-time online professors in an attempt to boost student retention and faculty satisfaction.

GAO Takes Another Crack

The government investigator releases a potentially damaging investigation of for-profits, but its impact may be lessened because of a flawed previous investigation.

More Selective For-Profits

Enrollments at for-profits decline steeply, but some of those cuts have been voluntary, and could be smart moves in the long run.

Hype and Hope at Labor College

Ambitious online partnership between National Labor College and the Princeton Review ends, but big investment from the education company may help keep college viable.

E-Book, In-House

American Public University System taps professors to write e-textbooks. The move could be a cost-saving innovation, but will raise hackles among publishers and some faculty members.

Kentucky Showdown

Attorney general Jack Conway has taken on for-profit colleges in a big way -- and some of their leaders are donating to his opponent. But will his multi-state investigation run out of steam?

Advanced Degrees for Fire Chiefs

A fire chief without a college education sparks disagreement about growing value of degrees for firefighters.