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New Front in For-Profit Battle?

Democratic senators take aim at career colleges' marketing budgets, but bill would affect nonprofit colleges, too. While the legislation faces long odds, it could shape the ongoing debate over for-profits.

Bad Actors, Bit Players?

Multi-state investigation of for-profits includes review of institutional loans and recruiting of veterans. But finding common targets is a problem, and investigators have yet to take on a major for-profit.

The For-Profit Next Door

With a focus on job training and steady growth, Rasmussen College may look more like a local college than a for-profit

Outside the Lines

Largely unregulated for-profit vocational colleges, which can't receive federal student aid, collect 40 percent of military spouse tuition benefits.

An LMS for Elite MOOCs?

Two Stanford professors spin off their experiments with massively open online courses (MOOCs) into a company that could serve as a platform for similar projects.

For-Profit Group Tries New Approach, Again

Steve Gunderson has plenty of friends, including the Senate's leading critic of for-profit colleges. But the new head of the sector's trade group isn't afraid to pick a fight -- even with one of his members.

Crackdown on For-Profits

Tough new regulations are unlikely this year in Washington, but in California a new state law, hearings and multiple investigations are kicking off.

Profiting From Federal Aid

For-profit colleges that participate in federal financial aid programs charge more than those that don't, according to new study, which also finds the for-profit sector much larger than most think.