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New Player in Adaptive Learning

Career Education Corp. gets a jump on adaptive learning, a reminder that for-profits can move fast and go big with emerging technologies.

Follow the Money

New federal report tracks where 1 million student veterans are going to college, and where the $11 billion in education benefits they receive is going.

Take 2 on For-Profit Earnings Study

Working paper that stung for-profits is revised, now declaring roughly equal job-market returns of credentials earned at for-profits versus nonprofit colleges.

Back to the Future

Washington is gearing up for the next round of fights over for-profit colleges, with student veterans and gainful employment getting top billing.

What Happened in Wisconsin?

State's push to rein in for-profit colleges with strict performance standards goes nowhere, but Milwaukee passes a unique ordinance aimed at the industry.

New Model, Familiar Face

Michael Clifford has launched a new online course provider, this time a nonprofit. And the site's 27 courses have all earned ACE credit recommendations.

Oates Lands at Apollo

Jane Oates, formerly a top Labor Department official and Ted Kennedy aide, joins University of Phoenix parent company to oversee employer relations for the for-profit giant.

It's the Results, Stupid

Mitch Daniels says for-profit colleges are needed, at least ones that offer a quality, cost-effective product -- a standard he applies to the rest of higher education.