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Double-Edged Sword of Dual Enrollment

For community colleges, high school students are a growing population to serve, but some fear a lack of financial base for the programs amid fears they may be masking large declines in other enrollments.

An Affordable Pathway to a Bachelor's Degree

Despite the frequent loss of credits, transferring from a community college to a university is less expensive than starting at a four-year institution, a new study finds.

Contracts Withheld

St. Thomas in Houston has held back reappointment notices for philosophy professors -- even those with tenure -- amid debates over budget and the curriculum.

College Instead of Crime

Boston-area nonprofit will pay gang members who want to go to college and get off the street, with a goal of improving communities.

Bipartisan Push on Career Education

Support for vocational education is crossing the partisan divide, with growing calls for a policy focus on apprenticeships and education programs that don't feature the four-year degree.

Can a Professor Be a Trustee?

Officials at Parkland College in Illinois await a judge’s decision on whether a newly elected college board member can keep her job as a faculty member.

The Future of the College Presidency

Citing a shrinking talent pool and a retirement boom, a panel of campus leaders convened by the Aspen Institute lays out what the changing job requires and who might fill it.

Flip-Flop on Florida Colleges

Florida’s Legislature looks to shake up the state’s two-year college system once again by cutting funds for developmental education, capping bachelor's degree programs and creating a new oversight board.