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Restructuring -- and Re-Missioning -- the University of Wisconsin System

Will merging institutions strengthen the system or hasten its decline, asks Tara DaPra, who has taught at one of its four-year universities as well as in its community colleges.

Scramble for Dual-Credit Certification

States and institutions are still working out incentives and programs to get dual-credit instructors qualified to meet a change in accreditation standards.

The Gentrification of the Urban Community College

Neither new programs nor trying to emulate or recreate a traditional four-year university campus experience will adequately address the enrollment challenges, argues Christiane Warren.

Bounty of Promise Programs in California

With nearly 50 different local tuition-free initiatives, California colleges contemplate how they may merge existing programs with a new statewide plan.

Partnering for Transfer

Getting 37 institutions to agree on new student transfer pathways isn’t easy, but the Minnesota State system seems to have accomplished it.

Statewide and Online Only in California

California community colleges look to create a new statewide​, online-only college that will focus on helping adult students earn credentials.

Corinthian’s Long Wind-Down

After spending half a billion dollars to keep former Corinthian Colleges campuses afloat, the nonprofit ECMC Group’s Zenith Education will close all but three.