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First-Generation College Students More Engaged Than Peers

New survey data challenge perceptions about first-generation college students, showing strong academic engagement and commitment to college. But the group lagged behind their peers in social comfort and resiliency.

Senate Jump-Starts Process for New Career-Education Law

Bipartisan agreement to reauthorize Perkins Career and Technical Education law would give more authority to states to determine progress of federal skills training program.

An 'Education and the Workforce' Agency?

White House plan to merge two cabinet departments, likely a political nonstarter, renews debate over how best to rationalize government role in educating and training Americans.

Enrollment Boost From Summer Pell

Enrollment numbers at many colleges -- especially those in areas with less generous state aid -- show significant boosts in attendance in the first full summer since Congress restored year-round grants.

No Bottom Yet in 2-Year College Enrollments

Some researchers are warning community colleges that enrollment isn't expected to improve, even as they grapple with declines in state funding and demand for better performance and outcomes.

A Different Pathway Model

Kings Education mostly recruits students to small private institutions with the expectation of transfer. At one Kings partner, those the company recruited made up almost 40 percent of all undergraduates last fall.

Gainful-Employment Disclosures Delayed Again

Education Department announces a second yearlong delay of some gainful-employment disclosures as DeVos works on a do-over of the vocational education rule.

As California Goes?

The biggest and perhaps least likely state to try performance funding will tie billions of dollars for community colleges to measures of student success, a plan faculty groups say will punish students and colleges.