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The Great Bundling of Work-Force Development

Colleges may be facing pressure to separate their credentialed learning from their other offerings, Ryan Craig writes. Our work-force development system, meanwhile, could learn a thing or two from higher education.

Study: Student Borrowing May Lead to Academic Success in Community College

A new study challenges the notion that student loan debt is bad for people attending community colleges and finds that borrowing may actually increase their academic success.

Art School Shakeout

The smallest art colleges are struggling in a fiercely competitive market. Why are they showing such signs of stress? And can larger liberal arts colleges learn from their successes and missteps?

For-Profits and Federal Revenue

Sector would get an enrollment boost if Congress were to drop a 90 percent cap on revenue from federal sources, according to a new Brookings Institution analysis.

Free College Idea Hinges on Merger With K-12

The proposal from a Chicago mayoral candidate to offer free community college by merging the system with K-12 is unique. But local and national education experts say it wouldn’t work.

Survival of the Proactive

Small-college leaders share how their institutions have attempted to ward off enrollment crises before they happen.

Deregulating Apprenticeship

The Trump administration's plan for "industry-recognized" apprenticeship resembles weak quality control of for-profit career colleges, writes Mary Alice McCarthy, and would increase risk for students, employers and taxpayers.

The (Missed) Potential of Transfer Students at Elite Colleges

Community college transfer students succeed academically and bring many kinds of diversity to elite institutions, but report finds few are admitted.