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Career Education's Incomplete Transformation

Although career and technical education has made gains in graduation rates and academic outcomes, a report warns about continuing struggles of traditional vocational students.

Discrepancies in Estimates on Food Insecurity

New research finds that while food insecurity among college students is a serious problem, studies on the issue may not provide accurate estimates of its magnitude.

Reinvesting in Community Colleges

A new report challenges federal and state policy makers to increase funding for community colleges to improve social mobility.

A College Divided Over a Harvard Professor

Concordia U's Liberal Arts College, in Canada, wanted conservative scholar Harvey Mansfield to speak at an alumni gala -- until it didn't. But revoking Mansfield's invite didn't settle an internal debate.

Connecticut Moves to Consolidate Community Colleges Amid Faculty Opposition

The head of Connecticut's community college and university system will present more detailed plans for consolidating the management of the two-year colleges to the system's accreditor.

Personalized Outreach to Students Boosts Summer Enrollment

Colleges' personalized correspondence with students prompted higher enrollment in summer courses, according to a new MDRC study.

Community Colleges to Add New Apprenticeships to Work Force

AACC is helping community colleges answer President Trump's call for more apprenticeship programs and partnerships with businesses.

An Ousted Dean Returns

Western Kentucky reinstated the dean its now ex-provost forced out last week. What does the saga say about academic leadership, especially at institutions facing change?