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A Fairy Godmother for Once-Overlooked Colleges

With donations ranging from $20 million to $50 million to colleges routinely overlooked by major philanthropists, MacKenzie Scott has set herself apart by focusing on institutions that serve students of color and those from low-income backgrounds.

Few Positives in Final Fall Enrollment Numbers

Community colleges saw the largest enrollment declines this fall. Matriculation by first-time freshmen also fell sharply.

Career Exploration in College

Essays on how colleges can do more to help undergraduates explore careers while ensuring that their educations are relevant to the job market.

Low-Income Community College Students Most Likely to Cancel Plans

The pandemic is widening equity gaps as more low-income students and students of color leave higher ed.

Free College Turned ‘Middle-Dollar’ Scholarship

A proposed free tuition scholarship for New Mexico went through several changes in the Legislature. Experts say some of the changes are good, but others leave some students behind.

Not-So-Fait Accompli

University of Vermont says announced cuts to the liberal arts are happening. The faculty says otherwise. The bigger story: how universities are seizing on COVID-19 to push through long-desired curricular and staffing reforms.

A Q&A With Miami Dade's New President

The new leader of one of the nation's largest community colleges, Miami Dade College, is a Miami native with decades of higher education experience.

Who's Up, Who's Down and Why

Dig deeper into the state of community college enrollments, and you'll find some hints at what could be keeping some institutions afloat while others sink.