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Be Their Guest

Investigation into U. of Tennessee's football recruiting practices raises questions about the continued presence of "hostesses" -- female students responsible for entertaining recruits -- on some campuses.

Community Colleges' Day in the Sun

WASHINGTON — The long-awaited White House Summit on Community Colleges came and went Tuesday without any monumental legislative or policy...

Raining on the Parade

As community colleges are celebrated at White House summit, for-profit colleges go on the offensive.

Will Faculty Voices Be Heard?

Professors will participate in the White House summit on community colleges, but some of them remain concerned about the agenda.

Completion Targets for Cities

Gates Foundation unveils new plans by four municipalities to push for better graduation rates.

Solution for Slumping State Support

Maine's community college system creates a statewide foundation to garner private donations; it has already raised more than $6 million.

Beauty School Drop-Ins

Texas community college bucks trend of shying away from cosmetology programs by opening a new school — with corporate ties.

How High a Summit?

Community college officials are not expecting huge impact (or more money) from White House gathering.