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Short-Term Help, Lasting Payoff

A program is helping low-income students at seven community colleges discover new avenues of financial support, in hopes of increasing college completion.

Appeal or Bust

City College of San Francisco's best hope of staying open is probably to appeal the death sentence from its accreditor, and the college may have longer than people realize to win a reprieve.

Young College, Familiar Problem

Ivy Tech, one of the nation's most acclaimed and centralized community college systems, contemplates wave of campus closures.

The 20% Experiment

Georgia State will test idea that assuring a set percentage of slots on the syllabus for female philosophers will attract more female students to the discipline.

The Case for Asian-Serving Colleges

New federal designation for institutions that serve Asian-American and Pacific Islander students could significantly aid low-income students in those groups, a study finds --- but funding for those colleges lags.

Who Will Lead Community Colleges?

With a wave of retirements looming, community college leadership pipeline needs urgent repairs, report finds.

Is Summer Selling?

To try to increase enrollment during the summer -- to boost graduation rates and revenue -- some colleges are discounting tuition and offering other perks. In most cases, the strategy has shown little payoff.

Making the Case for Liberal Arts

Amid talk of outcomes-based education, a new report from the Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences stresses the disciplines' role in long-term career success and international competitiveness.