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The Old Community College Try

A few days after criticizing higher ed, President Obama again proposes new spending for job-training money at two-year institutions, this time as part of a jobs deal.

Take 2 on For-Profit Earnings Study

Working paper that stung for-profits is revised, now declaring roughly equal job-market returns of credentials earned at for-profits versus nonprofit colleges.

Follow the Money

New federal report tracks where 1 million student veterans are going to college, and where the $11 billion in education benefits they receive is going.

Assessment: It's the Law

Faculty members at Iowa's 3 public universities must demonstrate learning outcomes and report on how students achieve them. Proponents see "continuous improvement," while critics see paperwork.

Free Courses for a Big Problem

Community colleges use open-source, MOOC-style content as study guides for remedial courses, and some are choosing homegrown content over courses from MOOC providers.

J-School Makeovers

Amid newsroom cutbacks and a rapidly changing media landscape, journalism schools are trying to find ways to adapt. USC is crunching a two-year master's into nine months. At Columbia, the concentration requirement will be eliminated.

Coming Up Short

Loyola University New Orleans becomes the second selective college this summer to announce a major enrollment and budget shortfall. Is it a harbinger of things to come, or just a case of bad enrollment strategy?

The Gender Lens

Everyone seems to have a theory as to why humanities majors are disappearing. One doctoral student thinks the trend is due to women's widening career paths. His notion is gaining traction.