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Renewed Push on Job Training

Obama administration continues efforts to streamline programs, many of which involve community colleges. But efforts to promote reporting of job results worry some educators.

Dropping the Ball?

Colleges and universities need to get involved in the the rollout of the Common Core curriculum, argues a new paper from the New America Foundation.

For Community Colleges, Post-Recession Blues

Declining enrollment in the post-recession period leaves community colleges with little room for error. A Virginia college found out the hard way.

Know a Problem to Fix It

States have chaotic lack of consistency in how they track college remediation, according to the Education Commission of the States, which seeks national standards.

Digital Feedback

As colleges turn to vendors for help on retention services, one company offers a way to give positive feedback to students.

Not Interested in Koch Money

Brooklyn College professor accuses administrators, allegedly afraid of controversy involving the foundation of the brothers who bankroll many conservative politicians, of passing on a chance at millions.

Left Off

Karen Head recalls how she has been consistently advised in advancing through her academic career to leave her associate degree off her C.V. She ignores the advice.

Complex Problem, Complex Solution

Colorado's fix for remedial education is multipronged rather than heavy-handed, and it seems to be working.