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'Open Source' Employee Training

As more companies expand tuition assistance benefits, Amazon says its model -- which focuses on "high-demand" fields -- is the one they should follow.

Barriers to Transfer

A common complaint from community college students is that they face barriers when seeking to transfer to four-year institutions, including subpar advising, write Alison Kadlec and Elizabeth Ganga.

Focus on Certificates Boosts Completion Goals

Louisiana and other states are closer to reaching college completion goals as their emphasis shifts to more certificates in addition to degrees.

From 4-Year to 2-Year

New report on transfer of struggling students from universities to community colleges finds students benefit from moving in nontraditional direction.

Determining a Student's Place

More community colleges are moving away from relying on placement exams alone to figure out whether incoming students need remediation, but establishing a substitute system can be tricky.

Tension at the Top

A spate of resignations and terminations among community college presidents provokes worries about a shortage of qualified candidates to fill these positions.

Playbook for Transfer

Community college experts team up to develop a guide to help colleges and universities build success transfer pathways and increase bachelor's completion.

When Service Learning Doesn't Really Serve

Too often, service learning prioritizes students over the people with whom they work, Randy Stoecker argues in a new book.