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Questioning a Questionnaire

Florida’s faculty union is urging students, faculty and staff members to ignore a state-mandated survey on the climate for college viewpoint diversity.

Clearing the ‘Final Obstacle’ to a Degree

New report suggests a microgrant program at Georgia State helps students complete their degrees faster and with less debt.

Biden Seeks Big Increase for Pell

But in president’s fiscal 2023 plan, there is no proposal for a free community college program.

Improving Outcomes Data for Online Programs

It’s often impossible to tell how graduates of online programs fare, Robert Kelchen writes.

Biden Seeks Large Gain for Pell Grants

He seeks a $2,175 increase in the maximum award, which would bring the total to $8,670.

Misreading Commonality for Collusion in Financial Aid

Questioning Confessions of a Community College Dean's critique of financial aid offers.

A Free Expression Strategy

A new report offers a road map for how campus leaders can create a culture of free expression, write former Vermont governor Jim Douglas and former Washington governor Chris Gregoire.

Planned Wage Changes Stoke Tension

The Department of Labor is considering a rule to raise wage minimums for overtime-exempt workers, causing friction between higher education associations and rank-and-file employees.