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Supreme Court to Hear Another Debt-Relief Suit

But the injunction blocking student loan forgiveness remains in place for now.

GAO Blasts Colleges on Aid Offers

Nearly two-thirds of colleges follow half or fewer of the 10 best practices in award letters. No college in GAO’s sample followed all 10.

New Campaign Wants to Prove ‘College Is Worth It’

The National Association of System Heads begins an initiative to bolster the public’s view of higher education by demonstrating—and where necessary improving—how the institutions drive social mobility and individual "prosperity."

Political Divides Grow

More college-educated voters are voting for Democrats, while those without a degree prefer Republicans. Colleges and universities are stuck in the middle.

Congressional Democrats Want Legal Review of OPMs

The lawmakers want the Education Department to go beyond what a federal watchdog recommended in reviewing 2011 guidance for online program managers.

Open the Title IV Door

The federal financial aid system is locking students out of more affordable learning options, Burck Smith writes.

Debt Relief Heads to Supreme Court

The court will hear arguments in February on whether the Biden administration is legally able to forgive federal student loans. An injunction blocking the debt relief will remain in place.

Lame Duck Agenda

Congress has a busy December, and several higher education policy priorities hang in the balance.