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Leveling Off

Two new reports by the College Board show more moderate tuition increases than in previous years, but restrictions on federal aid spending could lead to higher net prices going forward.

An Underused Lifeline

Despite ever-growing concern about student debt, enrollment lags in federal government programs that tie loan repayment to borrowers' income.

Performing Under Pressure

As policymakers clamor to hold colleges accountable, new Gates-sponsored research tries to establish fair rules for measuring institutional performance.

Unconventional Tuition Vote

California politicians are targeting students and faculty members to support a ballot measure that, by raising taxes, could stave off cuts to higher education and tuition hikes.

Higher Ed on the Ballot

Although only a small number of ballot measures this election season deal with higher education, initiatives in several states could have significant impact.

Students' Debt Loads Increase Again

Annual report from the Institute for College Access and Success finds students borrow an average of $26,600.

What’s Driving Debt

New paper finds that admissions and financial aid policies play a larger role than tuition prices do in driving student debt.

A Legal Sweep

With HathiTrust ruling, 'fair use' advocates in academe continue a legal winning streak that could have historic implications.