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Senate Kicks Off Reauthorization

Sen. Tom Harkin says he'd like to see a draft of a new Higher Education Act by early next year -- but it's unclear how realistic that goal is as lawmakers clash over how the federal government should regulate college affordability.

Symbolic Setback for Science

A bipartisan effort to create a national position of "science laureate" stalls after criticism from a conservative group.

Helpful or a Hindrance?

Georgia Tech official describes Udacity partnership on Capitol Hill, provoking back-and-forth about whether accreditation encourages or deters innovation.

Credit for Service

Seven states partner up to ensure that student veterans earn college credit for service, while also calling for help from ACE and the Pentagon.

Going to the Root of the Problem

Tennessee expands a remedial math project that reaches into high schools to boost college readiness, and the state's governor backs the reform with real money.

Agree to Disagree

Gainful employment rewrite kicks off with rule-making session, but consensus appears unlikely as negotiators are far apart on day one.

Sequester Strains Science Researchers

Across-the-board spending cuts are prompting scientists across the country to lay off staff, close laboratories and scramble for other sources of funding. Another round of reductions is slated to take effect in the coming fiscal year.

Didn't Mean to Offend...

Creative writing professor at Michigan State crossed line from free expression to disrespect on the first day of class, administrators say. Faculty advocates say he's entitled to hearing before peers.