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Responding to Supreme Court ruling, the Education Department will begin recognizing same-sex couples for the purposes of distributing federal financial aid.

What the Budget Deal Means

Advocates for higher education say Tuesday's accord would largely alleviate cuts to research funding and campus-based student aid programs.

The Real College Barrier for the Working Poor

Focusing on no-loan policies or Pell Grant rules on courseloads misses the reality about access and completion for needy students: the buying power of federal aid hasn't kept up, writes Sara Goldrick-Rab.

Questions on Performance Funding

In response to a recent essay challenging their research, authors of studies on tying state funds to outcomes defend their work and the need for rigorous evidence to support policy trends.

Update: White House Meeting Postponed

Nelson Mandela's death puts on hold caucus for college leaders to talk about lower-income student success, for which they have been asked to set specific goals.

Average Student Debt Climbs, Again

A report released Wednesday shows another student debt figure is continuing to rise: 2012 college graduates who took out loans borrowed an average of $29,400 of debt to pay for their education.

Don’t Dismiss Performance Funding

The state budgeting strategy isn’t a panacea, but a recent study unfairly and simplistically condemns it, write Nancy Shulock and Martha Snyder.

Scrutiny for Loan Servicers

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has finalized its authority to more closely monitor student loan servicing companies to make sure they're following the law and not misleading consumers.