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Is Free Better?

Politicians in three states want two years of tuition-free community college. Higher education experts welcome the attention, but worry about unintended consequences.

Reform Starts With Good Data

A dearth of accurate data makes it impossible for students, families and policy makers to answer basic questions about higher education, write U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Marco Rubio. A student-level system would help provide answers.

Following Student Veterans

Federal agency releases new college comparison site for student veterans and data about where they are enrolled, earning praise from both for-profit colleges and their critics.

Financial Aid Fee Flap

Congressman accuses elite colleges of misleading students into believing they must fill out fee-based form to qualify for federal aid.

Tackle the Real Problem

Community college student success is more important than concern about "undermatching," writes Tom Bailey. And making a dent in that problem requires comprehensive reforms.

No Interest-Rate Crystal Ball

A new federal report says that it's impossible to set interest rates on federal student loans in advance so that the government breaks even on the program.

A Focus on Job Training

In a State of the Union address that is mostly retread, President Obama calls for expanded access to apprenticeships and improved training programs at community colleges that are more targeted to employer-demanded skills.

'Creditocracy' in America

How much remains of democratic principles when a society is sunk in financial debt? Scott McLemee starts checking the books.