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Staying Close to Home

Following criticism from a politician and facing uncertain funding in the future, the National Endowment for the Humanities drops some international programs.

Why We Need Bright Lines

An appeals court's regrettable decision on copyright fair use makes the rules less clear for professors and campuses and will ultimately harm students and publishers alike, writes Joseph Storch.

The Wrong Position on FAFSA Position

Colleges have no business using information students provide on the federal aid form about institutions they are interested in to make decisions that will hurt students, writes Ali Lincoln.

Higher Ed on the Ballot

This year's referendums include issues of governance, facilities, minimum wage and more.

'Modernizing' Federal Regulation

New paper by conservative think tank argues that federal government should hold colleges more accountable not by expanding its regulatory reach but rather by using new metrics.

Confusion on Competency

Audit critical of the Education Department's review process for alternative to the credit hour raises questions about direction of federal policy and could discourage some colleges.

College Affordability, Upfront

A trio of think tanks and advocacy groups, lamenting the declining purchasing power of the Pell Grant, call for bold federal and state guarantee for low-income college students.

Federal Innovation Grants Unveiled

Education Department awards its "First in the World" innovation grants, for which nearly 500 institutions applied. The 24 winners will share $75 million in available federal funding.