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Swimming Against the Current

Samuel J. Abrams’s research demonstrates that, far from being a beleaguered and miserable minority, conservative professors are, in fact, quite happy in the academy.

Be Wary of the Details

While well intentioned, it’s apparent that the New York State tuition-free public college plan will not accomplish its desired goals, writes Robert Samuels.

What Happens if Free Tuition Comes to Campus?

Presidents of public institutions in New York say they welcome Governor Cuomo's plan and could find ways to enroll many more. But they still have questions.

Unintended Consequences

Months into the first year of an early FAFSA campaign, some campus financial aid offices are forced to sort out discrepancies arising from switch to prior-prior year income data.

State Shortfalls and Foreign Students

Analysis finds that a 10 percent reduction in state appropriations is associated with a 12-17 percent increase in international undergraduate enrollment at public research universities.

Unprecedented and Unprincipled Adversary

Universities must work together to confront a large, adaptive and well-camouflaged apparatus that aspires to mimic and rival legitimate science, argues U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

An Unhealthy Bubble

We in higher education need to provide a diverse and inclusive environment that challenges people to stop surrounding themselves only with others whose views match their own, writes David P. Haney.

Trustee Appointment Takes Political Turn

Faculty objected as legislators moved to strip trustee appointment powers from a governorship their party no longer controls.