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Cutting Away From Excelsior

Long-shot gubernatorial challenger Cynthia Nixon takes aim at New York's free tuition program, calling for a lower income limit, less stringent credit requirements and a first-dollar program.

Gainful-Employment Disclosures Delayed Again

Education Department announces a second yearlong delay of some gainful-employment disclosures as DeVos works on a do-over of the vocational education rule.

Under DeVos, a Smaller Department of Education

Inside Higher Ed analysis of employee data shows the agency has shed more than 500 workers -- 13 percent of its total staff -- since the start of the Trump administration. Former officials say that means employees are stretched thin.

The Minority-Serving-College Mobility Bump

Lower-income students who attend minority-serving colleges are more likely to move up in economic status, according to a new report, despite the fact that those colleges tend to have less money.

As California Goes?

The biggest and perhaps least likely state to try performance funding will tie billions of dollars for community colleges to measures of student success, a plan faculty groups say will punish students and colleges.

One Person as ‘Prosecutor, Judge and Jury’

Experts fear the worst with George Washington's new Title IX policies, in which a single investigator decides whether to move forward with a sexual assault case.

Court Considers Questions on Loan Forgiveness for Defrauded Students

Student borrowers argue the education secretary must follow previous policy to grant full loan relief to former Corinthian Colleges students.

Report Dings Tax Deduction for High-Income Grad Students

A new report argues for letting a tax deduction that benefits high-earning grad students expire. It's part of a drumbeat of proposals to restrict federal benefits for graduate students.