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Turning Day-Care Workers Into Degreed Early-Ed Teachers

Large childcare provider offers free tuition for day care center workers to pursue degrees in early childhood education -- with strings attached.

Navigating Student Loan Default

A study finds that most borrowers exit loan default within a few years. But many still fail to make serious progress paying down their balances, and the options facing them are inconsistent and confusing.

Optimism for Student Voter Turnout

Some lawmakers are making it more difficult for students to vote, but advocacy groups and colleges are pressing ahead with registration campaigns.

For-Profits Keep Access to Billions in Aid

Education Department's decision to drop gainful-employment rule will mean lowest-performing programs keep $5.3 billion over next decade.

Needed: A Public/Private Compact for Higher Education

That compact -- between colleges, state governments and others -- means making a sustained investment in low-income, first-generation and minority students, writes Joni Finney.

'Free College' Could Make America College-Free

The issue is becoming a partisan one, which could further undermine Republican support for higher education. Those concerned about college affordability and employability might be wise to look for more moderate solutions, Ryan Craig argues.

Alt-Right Now

Scott McLemee reviews a number of recent and forthcoming titles analyzing not just the alt-right but also the nearly global wave of new authoritarian and nativist movements.

The Link Between Completion and Loan Repayment

Report underlines how program completion can determine whether a borrower will make progress paying down loans. Program type also plays a large factor, with many graduates of certificate programs concentrated in the for-profit sector struggling to pay down debt.