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Big Differences in Biden and Sanders's Plans

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders have different ideas about college affordability and higher education policy, both in their approaches and the specificity of their plans.

College Promise Programs and Undocumented Students

Statewide college promise programs are an underused avenue of support for undocumented students, write Victoria Ballerini, Miriam Feldblum and Daniel C. Kent.

Higher Ed Deal in the Works?

Senator Lamar Alexander says a bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act should pass the education committee in about a month, to give it time to get through Congress this year.

Senate Might Rebuke DeVos on Borrower Defense

As Senate debates joining House in condemning Education Department rule on forgiving student loans, key Republicans are on the fence.

(Some) Free Tuition for Some in New Jersey

New Jersey is trying to expand its tuition-free program from community colleges to four-year institutions. In this major exporter of students, the move could have ripple effects for colleges in nearby states.

Rising Tensions Between DeVos and Democrats

Tensions between congressional Democrats and U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos rise with a scathing letter to a House committee.

An Open Letter on Student Debt

Our students deserve better than the mess our lending policies have created, 73 scholars write.

More Scrutiny of Legacy Admissions

Michael Bloomberg's higher education plan and controversial remarks by Northwestern's president have renewed scrutiny of colleges giving children of alumni preferential treatment in admissions.