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Not Everyone at Notre Dame Supports Barrett

Concerned that their university is portrayed as supporting Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court, faculty sign letter of opposition.

What Would a Second Term for Trump Mean?

There are Republican ideas to pursue, but most say they don't know what to expect -- except for more attacks on elite institutions.

The Greatest Generation Redux?

The challenges before college students today match those of any generation, write Morton Schapiro and Barry Glassner, and they will need all the support older Americans can offer.

College Promise Programs Wrestle With Pandemic Realities

As states begin slashing budgets, some free college programs are feeling the sting.

Report: Student Debt Flattening

The average amount of loans that bachelor's degree graduates hold has been relatively flat the past few years. But there's still much work to do, experts say.

Clapping Emojis Instead of Campus Rallies

A campaign being held during a pandemic looks and sounds different this year on college campuses, but coronavirus doesn't lessen the fervor.

A Supreme Court Shift to the Right

Amy Coney Barrett, if confirmed to the Supreme Court, could have a sweeping impact on colleges and universities.

‘The CSU Will Look Different’

New Cal State chancellor, Joseph I. Castro, will thread the needle between consistent priorities and changing times.