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A College Professor as First Lady

Jill Biden is breaking a mold in continuing to teach at a community college as first lady. But why is it so important to her and what will her life be like?

Report: Rich Colleges Keep Getting Richer

It's known that some policies help the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer. A new report shows the same pattern is affecting institutions of higher education.

UT Austin Sees Increase in Pell Enrollment

The Texas flagship university is seeing an increase in low-income enrollment at a time when many higher education experts are worried that the most vulnerable students are putting their educations on hold.

3 Campus Groups That Especially Need Support

Come what may between now and Inauguration Day, their future may be murky at best and debilitating at worst, warns José Villalba.

Biden's HBCU Agenda

While it hasn't gotten much attention, Biden's campaign pledge to deal with the long-standing disparity in research grants encourages HBCUs.

The Biden Presidency and International Education

It's been a hard four years for supporters of international education. Experts expect a reset in international education policies under Biden, but caution that damage to the once-welcoming image of the United States can't be easily erased.

Speculation Over Biden's Education Secretary

Whom will the president-elect pick for the top higher education position?

A Renewed Focus on the Practice of Teaching

The abrupt transition to online teaching during the pandemic may fundamentally change how faculty members approach education, write Shigeru Miyagawa and Meghan Perdue.