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Pell Grants in High School

The Obama administration will help some high school students pay for college courses while still in high school by allowing limited access to Pell Grants.

Debit Card Rules Finalized

The new rules include a prohibition on overdraft fees for campus debit cards and a requirement for colleges to publicly disclose agreements with banks and other financial institutions.

Student Debt, Rising Again

Annual report finds a 2 percent uptick in undergraduates' student loan burdens, and a 56 percent increase over 10 years.

Margaret Spellings's Vision for Higher Education

What might the new head of a leading university system do as president? Johann Neem looks at her federal commission's report for clues, and is not heartened.

Suing Student Loan Servicers

In a decision hailed by consumer advocates, a federal appeals court rules that a major student loan agency is not immune from lawsuits.

Expand Work-Study’s Community Service Requirement

It will help students not only pay for college and develop skills in a real-world setting but also tackle important social issues, write Marvin Krislov and Robert Hackett.

Army U

The U.S. Army will model its newly consolidated approach to educational programs on traditional higher education, in part to help soldiers get more college credits for their military experience.

States Grow Need-Based Aid

States are growing their need-based aid at a much faster rate than other types of aid.