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Playing the Aid Game

Historically, U of Wisconsin at Madison has minimized the use of non-need-based aid, but it is ending that restraint. The catch? Its top official doesn't really agree with the practice.

More Grads Have 'Excessive' Debt

An analysis finds a steady rise in the proportion of college graduates paying too high a percentage of their annual income to repay student loan debt.

Senate Deal Would Revive Perkins

Bipartisan agreement would renew the expired loan program for two years -- but with some new eligibility restrictions that concern colleges.

Easing Access to Public Benefits

A new report from the Center for Law and Social Policy recommends supplementing financial aid with other government assistance programs to help low-income students succeed in college.

Fall of a For-Profit

After years of allegations of deceptive marketing practices, for-profit Westwood College is no longer accepting new students after another multimillion-dollar agreement with a state attorney general.

Reversal on Recruiter Bonus Pay

The Obama administration loosens part of its ban on the types of bonuses colleges may pay admissions recruiters.

Ed Dept. in the Hot Seat

Lawmakers, government watchdogs question whether the Office of Federal Student Aid is up to the task of running the nation’s $1.2 trillion student loan system.

Recession-Era Woes Subside

The tuition hikes and high federal borrowing and default rates that hit higher education in the recession's wake continue to stabilize and diminish, according to the College Board.