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More Aid for the Needy

New federal data show rising number of students receiving Pell Grants while median family incomes of recipients fall.

DeVry Adopts Reform Favored by For-Profit Critics

By tackling the controversial 90-10 rule -- and lowering it for its institutions -- DeVry Education Group is looking to assert its place as a leader in the for-profit sector.

HOPE for Whom?

New analysis of Georgia's aid program for top students -- a model for those of many other states -- finds that it is missing many low-income and minority students.

Smarter State Spending

State dollars for public higher education would go farther, prominent researchers argue, if more of it went to open-access colleges and need-based aid.

Lawmakers Eye Endowment Tax Status

A House Ways and Means subcommittee examines endowments, but lawmakers focus on college affordability.

U.S. Cuts Off ITT Tech

Education Department's new sanctions against the for-profit college include a ban on enrolling new students who receive federal aid and tougher financial oversight.

No Dice for Nonprofit Conversion

U.S. Education Department denies a Utah-based for-profit college's application to change its tax status.

Earlier FAFSA Popular, but Problematic, Too

The federal financial aid application now allows students to use existing federal tax data, designed to inform families earlier about their available aid. But student advocates say colleges may undercut progress by moving up their own deadlines for students.