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House Dems Want Billions for States, Colleges

House Democrats unveil a $3 trillion proposal, including tens of billions for colleges. But Senate Republicans say, "It's not going anywhere."

Report: Living Expenses, Not Tuition, Are the Problem

New report finds that financial aid mostly has kept up with rising tuition prices. But living expenses are another story.

Emergency Grants: Congress Must Step In

Even after all of the funds are disbursed, the program will be overshadowed by implementation challenges caused by the U.S. Department of Education, argues Justin Draeger.

Colleges Scramble to Administer Emergency Aid

The coronavirus pandemic has left thousands of students in need of financial assistance. The race to meet that need has been slowed by red tape and insufficient funding.

Windfall for Small Colleges

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is coming under fire for spreading millions in stimulus aid to institutions with barely any students, while other colleges struggle.

Work-Study Pay Loss

Students at some institutions have lost much-needed income from work-study jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Does the Stimulus Package Really Exclude DACA Students?

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos says she had no choice but to exclude DACA students from the stimulus package's emergency aid. But Democrats in Congress argue that's untrue.

DACA Students to Get Emergency Aid From California Systems

University of California and Cal State say they will give emergency grants to DACA students, after education secretary excluded them from the stimulus bill.