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ZIP Codes and Equity Gaps

Researchers used the racial and ethnic makeups of ZIP Codes as a proxy for race to track financial trajectories of college students.

Free Community College Moves Forward in Connecticut

Officials were determined to keep their promise to start a program, even when funding plans fell through the cracks. They're dipping into the college system's reserves -- during a recession -- to do so.

Inconsistent Information on Indirect Expenses

Some colleges provide detailed lists of transportation, housing and other indirect expenses, while others provide nothing. Without clear information, students can end up in dire financial situations.

Call for Doubling Pell, Forgiving Debt

John King Jr., a former education secretary, calls for debt forgiveness and doubling Pell Grants during hearing on Capitol Hill, as lawmakers worry pandemic will worsen educational disparities.

College Programs in Prisons Go Remote

With limited technology in their facilities, most college-in-prison programs moved to paper correspondence amid the pandemic. Others were suspended altogether.

DeVos Formally Limits Emergency Aid

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos formally moves to limit emergency aid grants, though a court decision looms.

More Confusion Over Emergency Aid

The Education Department appeared ready to issue a rule limiting who can get the CARES Act's emergency aid grants but backed off at the last minute.

Continued Confusion Over CARES Act Money

Education Department caused confusion twice in recent days by saying it won't enforce guidance on who can receive the CARES Act's emergency grants.