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Some College, No Degree, No Pell

Changes to grant eligibility are hitting transfer students, and returning dropouts, particularly hard.

Need and Want

Facing financial constraints and public pressure over students’ debt, some colleges move away from need-blind admissions -- which are often costly to the institution and students -- in favor of reducing "gapping."

Leveling Off

Two new reports by the College Board show more moderate tuition increases than in previous years, but restrictions on federal aid spending could lead to higher net prices going forward.

An Underused Lifeline

Despite ever-growing concern about student debt, enrollment lags in federal government programs that tie loan repayment to borrowers' income.

Performing Under Pressure

As policymakers clamor to hold colleges accountable, new Gates-sponsored research tries to establish fair rules for measuring institutional performance.

Students' Debt Loads Increase Again

Annual report from the Institute for College Access and Success finds students borrow an average of $26,600.

What’s Driving Debt

New paper finds that admissions and financial aid policies play a larger role than tuition prices do in driving student debt.

Cracking Down on PLUS Loans

Over the past year, the Education Department has made it harder for parents to borrow on behalf of their children in college. Historically black colleges say they are disproportionately affected.