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Warning on Debit Card Dangers

Arrangements between colleges and financial institutions that provide services to students may mirror problems with private student loans and predatory credit card marketing on campuses, U.S. consumer agency says.

Senate Kicks Off Reauthorization

Sen. Tom Harkin says he'd like to see a draft of a new Higher Education Act by early next year -- but it's unclear how realistic that goal is as lawmakers clash over how the federal government should regulate college affordability.

Pondering Pell

Congressional study explains why primary need-based-aid program ballooned in cost and explores how possible policy changes would affect spending -- and students.

Real Numbers, Real Goals

Ben Miller explains how the White House can lead the way in designing a meaningful college rating system.

Performance Funding Goes Federal

Obama proposes expansive college rating system. Making it happen won't be easy, but higher education leaders said they'll play ball.

The PLUS Loan Problem

The federal government should revise its loan program for parents and graduate students to better protect borrowers and taxpayers, Justin Draeger writes.

Previewing the Higher Ed Act

In response to Congressional invitation, college groups suggest ideas for revising key federal law, from federal student-level database to risk-based approaches to accreditation and student aid.

The Language of Financial Aid

The way higher education officials talk about paying for college confuses families. Let’s communicate with them in ways they understand, C. Anthony Broh argues.