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Promising Results for an Early-College Program

Massachusetts early-college program is turning out to be one of the strongest solutions to the state's equity gap problems, according to experts, policy makers and educators.

States and Quality Assurance in Online Education

Amid surge in distance education, states must play a stronger role in quality assurance, write Lori Williams and Rob Anderson.

Erasing Equity Gaps With State Funding

Colorado has become the latest among a handful of states to give colleges financial incentives to increase student diversity, but the new funding formula's impact remains unclear.

Whom to Test and How to Pay for It

States stop short of advising colleges to test all students when campuses reopen, despite concerns that approach will lead to missing those who could spread the virus to others.

The System’s Role in Saving Weakened Public Colleges

COVID-19 has exacerbated the pressures on state institutions. James Page offers four ways university systems can sustain vulnerable institutions.

State Cuts Grow Deep

Experts had predicted states would have to cut higher education funding. The scope is becoming clearer every day.

Colleges Want No Repeat of the Last Recession's Cuts

Colleges are urging Congress in the next stimulus package to push states to avoid cuts.

Public Higher Ed Funding Still Has Not Recovered From 2008 Recession

Latest state higher education finance report provides a 2019 baseline as higher education braces for a recession.