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Accord on Appropriations

Congressional negotiators reach agreement to boost spending on NIH and student aid, though deal does not restore all of the sequester cuts.

What the Budget Deal Means

Advocates for higher education say Tuesday's accord would largely alleviate cuts to research funding and campus-based student aid programs.

Shutdown Looms

Higher education likely to feel only mild effects from possible government shutdown next week, but advocates for colleges are bracing for larger funding battles.

Symbolic Setback for Science

A bipartisan effort to create a national position of "science laureate" stalls after criticism from a conservative group.

Sequester Strains Science Researchers

Across-the-board spending cuts are prompting scientists across the country to lay off staff, close laboratories and scramble for other sources of funding. Another round of reductions is slated to take effect in the coming fiscal year.

Another Whack at the Humanities

Bill would halve funding for National Endowment for the Humanities, representing biggest cut in two decades, and rallying advocates.

A Congressman's Own Peer Review

One U.S. representative blasts her colleague for questioning the wisdom of specific National Science Foundation grants, warning of unprecedented "political intrusion."

Permitting Research on Gun Violence

Obama ends de facto ban on studies supported by the CDC and other federal agencies. Many crime scholars pushed for this move.