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Presidents Behaving Badly

Mark Rosenberg’s resignation from Florida International is the second high-profile presidential departure this month. Boards appear to be taking evidence of inappropriate behavior more seriously, experts say.

Gender Identity Norms Shift, and Institutions Move to Reflect Them

Institutions are tweaking campus information systems to make them better reflect students’ gender identities but are finding the technology to do so challenging.

What Keeps a President Up at Night

It’s a wonder college leaders even attempt to sleep these days, but the most obvious crises aren’t what fuel my worst nightmares, writes Mary Dana Hinton.

NCAA Adopts New Constitution, Policies for Trans Athletes

The NCAA ratified a new constitution Thursday despite objections from members who feel it concentrates too much money and power in the hands of Division I colleges.

UAGC's Struggles Grow as Lawsuit and Investigation Outcomes Loom

With its accreditor’s decision on potential sanctions due soon, the University of Arizona Global Campus is also contending with lower-than-expected enrollment and a California lawsuit against its corporate partner.

Fire Mark Schlissel, but Don’t Troll Him

People deserve to know why he was dismissed, but sharing all the lovey-dovey emails serves no interest except our sadistic desire to feel superior, writes Jonathan Zimmerman.

Errors in Judgment

Public university presidents are advised not to put anything in writing that they wouldn’t want released publicly. Former Michigan president Schlissel likely knew this, higher education experts say.

Michigan Fires Mark Schlissel

The university says the fired president’s interactions with a subordinate “were inconsistent with promoting the dignity and reputation of the university.” Many faculty members are glad to see him gone.