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Welcome to the Spotlight

At first meeting since its leadership controversy in June, U.Va.’s board tries to move past mistakes and begin to confront emerging challenges.


College leaders are being urged to transform institutions. Joan Hinde Stewart writes that one of their obligations is to identify the qualities and values they shouldn't alter.

‘Mission-Driven, Market-Smart’

In the face of concerns about market constraints on tuition, liberal arts colleges are starting to promote existing strengths to new groups, including corporate partners.

Good Fees Make Good Neighbors

Wofford lets nearby medical school pay for students to use campus facilities, highlighting potential revenue stream for liberal arts colleges that don't want to change their missions.

New Presidents or Provosts: Auburn U., Georgia College & State U., Gordon College, Indiana U. at Bloomington, Merced College, U. of Redlands

Timothy Boosinger, interim provost at Auburn University, in Alabama, has been appointed as provost and vice president for academic affairs...

Unbalancing Sheets

A change in pension accounting metrics could upend university balance sheets, threatening everything from accreditation to federal financial aid.

Small Step for Quality Control

The recent decision by the Western regional accreditor to make public all of its institutional reports is an important signal of greater transparency in higher education, write Andrew P. Kelly and Mark Schneider.