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New Presidents or Provosts: Career Education Corp., Fresno Pacific U., SUNY-Albany, U. of New Mexico, Woodbury U.

Chaouki Abdal­lah, interim provost at the University of New Mexico, has been named to the job on a permanent basis...

Lessons From Swiss Watch-Makers

Higher education, facing many challenges, needs to focus more on brand equity, writes Robert J. Sternberg.

Sports in the Board Room

Governing boards should be more involved in athletics oversight, for financial, ethical and academic reasons, a new report argues.

No More Easy Money

Finance officials say languid endowment returns are another revenue constraint for colleges and universities, driving more discussion about cuts.

What I'll Do as Yale's President

Wick Sloane's vision for resuscitating the social mission of what was once one of the world's great universities.

Grand Canyon's Ground Game

Looking like a nonprofit, Grand Canyon University pays for a thriving campus and generous scholarships with a big online program. Will other for-profits copy the model?

A New Playbook

Admissions directors at public flagship universities seek to define best practices for the potentially problematic area of admissions exceptions for athletics.

New Boss for Cal State

Cal State taps Tim White, UC Riverside's chief, as its next chancellor. White will take over after California's voters consider a tax proposal with big implications for the cash-strapped system.